God’s Little Lambs Pre-school is a ministry of Howick Community Church run as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and has been registered with the Department of Social Development. In terms of the NPO Act, an NPO is a trust, company or other association of persons established for a public purpose, the income and property of which are not distributable to its members or office bearers except as reasonable compensation for services rendered.
A requirement of registration as an NPO is the submission of annual reports to the DSD, including audited annual financial statements. Our financial year end is on 30th September and the AGM is held within 6 months of this date. For a copy of the constitution, click here.
The staff, in particular the teachers, are supported and encouraged by a Management Committee which meets monthly and currently comprises the principal and the following members:
Roland Gevers – Chairman
Eric Beattie - Treasurer
Mike Pallett - Secretary
Clare Van Daele - Sponsor Coordinator/Website Admin
Cathy Beattie - Volunteer Coordinator
Sharon Bulcock - Teacher Support